Users can add, edit, and delete Issue stamps on a drawing. In addition to this, issues can be linked to existing Asset Stamps.
Adding an Issue Stamp
1. Select Drawings from the left-side navigation menu.
2. Select a drawing you would like to add issue stamps too.
3. Click Annotate
4. Select the Stamp button at the top of the drawing.
5. Select the Issue Stamps option.
The page will refresh, and you will see the "New Issue" stamp option.
6. Select New Issue from the left-side menu.
7. Click an area on the drawing where you would like to place the stamp.
8. Fill out the Issue information.
9. Click Save.
The new Issue will be displayed on the drawing.
From here, the following options are available:
-Allows you to edit the existing Issue.
- Allows you to delete the issue annotation.
Note: This will not delete the actual issue record. To delete the issue record, please go to MLW.
- Allows you to view the Issue in ML Work Orders
Add an Existing Issue to a Drawing
1. Select Drawings from the left-side navigation menu.
2. Select a drawing you would like to add an existing issue.
3. Click Annotate
4. Select the Stamp button at the top of the drawing.
5. Select the Issue Stamps option.
The page will refresh, and you will see the "New Issue" stamp option on the left side menu. You can click this and switch it to "Existing Issue."
6. Select an Existing Issue
7. Click on the Drawing where you would like it to be placed.
Linking an Issue to an Asset Stamp
1. Select Drawings from the left-side navigation menu.
2. Select a drawing you would like to link an issue to an asset stamp.
3. Click Annotate
4. Select the Stamp button at the top of the drawing.
5. Select the Asset Stamp option.
6. Select an existing asset stamp on the drawing.
7. Click on the Issue Icon.
8. Fill out the details for the issue.
Note: Certain fields will automatically be filled out based on the selected asset.
9. Click Save.
You can click the following icon to view the Asset or Issue from MLW.
The Asset Stamp will be updated after refreshing the page, indicating an Issue associated with it.
If open issues for the asset are completed in MLW. MLD will update the Asset Stamp and remove the issue icon.
Note: If you add a new Asset Stamp that is an existing Asset in MLW and there is an issue associated with it. The asset stamp image will be updated automatically and show the issue image.
Additional Filtering Options
Existing Issue Options:
System: Selecting a specific system will narrow down your existing issues.
Subsystem: This is dependent on the first field, "System" once that is selected, the corresponding subsystems will be displayed.
Asset Type: Select this to filter issues by Asset Type.
System Zone: Selecting a system zone will allow you to filter for issues in a specific system zone
Space Name: Selecting a Space will allow you to filter for issues in a specific facility/room.
Issue Data: Selecting this will allow you to filter issues by status such as "Repair" and "Replace".
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