Users can add, edit, and delete asset stamps on a drawing.
Adding an Asset Stamp
1. Select Drawings from the left-side navigation menu.
2. Select a drawing you would like to add assets stamps.
3. Click Annotate
4. Select the Asset Type you would like to use from the left-side menu.
Note: The asset stamps can be filtered by using the fields on the left-side menu. Click HERE to learn more.
You will notice the following asset stamp has been selected due to the color turning grey.
5. Click an area on the drawing where you would like to place the Asset Stamp.
6. Fill out the information in the Asset Stamp pop-up modal.
Asset Name: MLD offers an auto naming feature that generates a unique name based on a combination of a building abbreviation based on the building associated with that drawing and the asset type abbreviation based on the stamp you selected. This field is also text editable if you decide you’d like to override this name.
Client Name: The following name can be the client's choice. ML Drawings will auto-populate an asset name based on the asset type being added. If you would like to use a name of your choice, it can be entered here.
Please click HERE to learn more about enabling the client name to show over the asset name.
Space: Select the individual facility that is associated with the asset stamp.
Make: Enter the make of the asset.
Model: Enter the model of the asset.
Serial #: Enter the serial number of the asset.
Images: Click the select option to pick an image of the asset. The image will display when viewing the drawing and clicking on the asset stamp.
When adding and editing a stamp on mobile, there will be an option to take an image or choose an existing file.
When adding and editing on desktop, this option will automatically open your file explorer. The following image types are allowed: JPEG, JPG, PNG.
URL: Enter the URL where the asset information is being stored.
Description: Enter a description of the asset being entered.
Note: Other fields will be displayed, and this is dependent on the asset type. If these fields are incorrect, you can edit them on the Asset Types page. Please click HERE to learn more.
7. Click Save.
The Asset Stamp will now be displayed on the drawing.
Note: The fields being displayed in the screenshot above can be adjusted by editing the Asset Type tooltip fields. Please click HERE to learn more.
Adding an Asset Stamp with an Existing Asset
1. Select Drawings from the left-side navigation menu.
2. Select a drawing you would like to add an existing asset as an asset stamp.
3. Click Annotate
4. Select the New Asset Field and change it to Existing Asset.
5. Click on an existing asset you would like to add to the drawing.
Note: You can filter for "Placed Assets" by clicking the checkbox. If you click "Show All Assets" - All assets will be displayed for this building/floor.
6. Click on the drawing where you would like to place the asset.
Note: No information will need to be filled out since this is an existing asset. If you need to edit the asset you can edit it after it is placed. Or you can edit it on the Assets page.
The Asset will then be removed from the listing since it is already on the drawing. You can view it in the list if needed by selecting the checkbox "Show Placed Assets."
Auto Place Existing Assets onto a Drawing
To Auto Place Existing Assets (Assets not yet placed on the drawing), you will need to make sure you have the "Can Import Assets" permission in your role.
- Navigate to "Existing Assets" via the left-side menu
- Select the Proper stamp size before auto-placing. If you know you're auto placing to spaces with a large number of stamps in smaller spaces, like a mechanical room, having the stamp size slider on the smaller side is recommended.
- Filter the assets you would like to auto place. You can filter by systems, sub-systems, asset types OR you can filter your assets by space or system zone as well.
- Select Auto Place Assets!
- Assets will begin auto-placing one by one!
Editing an Asset Stamp
1. Select an existing asset stamp.
Note: The image displayed is the first image uploaded to the asset stamp modal
2. Select the icon under the details.
3. Modify the information as needed in the modal.
Note: If you Edit the Asset Type of an existing Asset Stamp, a message will display confirming the change as this will lead to back-end changes. You will need to check this off before the save option becomes available for selection.
4. Click Save.
You can also move the Asset Stamp by clicking it and dragging it on the drawing.
The stamp size can also be adjusted by dragging and pulling the blue dots.
Deleting an Asset Stamp
1. Select an existing asset stamp.
2. On the Display Modal select the X icon to delete the asset stamp.
Selecting the "x" icon will give you the option to remove asset stamp from the drawing (not actually deleting the asset record) OR based on certain scenarios, to remove both the asset stamp from the drawing AND delete the actual asset record.
The Asset record itself can NOT be deleted for the following reasons
- The Asset is associated to Work Orders
- The Asset is associated to PMs
- You do not have permission to delete asset records.
If the the actual asset record can be deleted the below prompt will display:
If the actual asset record can not be deleted due to being associated to Work Orders, the below prompt will display:
If the actual asset record can not be deleted due to being associated to a PM in ML Work Orders, the below prompt will display:
If the actual asset record can not be deleted due not having permission to do so, the below prompt will display:
Copying an Asset Stamp
1. Select an existing asset stamp.
2. On the Display Modal select the copy icon.
Note When you select the x icon at the top right it will close the Modal and return you to the drawing with the asset stamp selected.
The Drawing will reappear.
3. Select the OK button to acknowledge you're copying a stamp.
4. Click an area on the drawing where you would like to place a copy.
5. Edit the Stamp to verify and update any information.
Linked URLs
1. Select an existing asset stamp.
2. On the Display Modal select the Linked URLs icon.
3. Select the "Add Link" button in top right of window
4. Add URL Name and URL so that the link can be associated to the asset stamp
NOTE: The Name field must not contain any special characters
5. Select Save.
6. Selecting the ()icon again and you will be able to access all of your saved links
Viewing Images
1. Select an existing asset stamp.
2. Select the icon under the details.
3. On the Modal select an image.
A separate tab will open that will allow you to view all of the images in detail.
You can use the arrows to navigate through images. The X button will close this window.
Additional Filtering Options
New Asset Options:
System: Select this for a specific system.
Subsystem: This is dependent on the first field "System" once that is selected, the corresponding subsystems will be displayed.
Asset Type: Select this filter by Asset Types.
Existing Asset Options:
System: Selecting a specific system will narrow down your existing assets.
Subsystem: This is dependent on the first field, "System" once that is selected, the corresponding subsystems will be displayed.
Asset Type: Select this filter by Asset Types.
System Zone: Selecting a system zone will allow you to filter for assets in a specific system zone
Space Name: Selecting a Space will allow you to filter for assets in a specific facility/room.
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