Administrators will have access to the Manage Drawings page. From there, drawings can be added, edited, and deleted. In addition to this, users can view all of the assets associated with the drawing and print out a PDF version. Users will also be able to annotate a drawing from this page.
Viewing Drawings
1. Select Drawings from the left-side navigation menu
Users can search for a specific drawing with the search bar,
In addition, users can sort their drawings using the sort option next to the search bar.
Adding a Drawing
1. Select Drawings from the left-side navigation menu
2. Select Add Drawing.
3. Upload the drawing PDF.
4. Click Next.
5. Select an area and crop the image if needed.
6. Click Save Current Page/Crop.
7. Click the checkmark on the cropped drawing.
Note: You can click the "Generate New Thumbnail" button to create a custom thumbnail
8. Click Next.
9. Select a Thumbnail (there will be a default one shown based on your cropped image) but you can choose another image if you would like.
10. Click Next.
11. Fill out the Drawing Information.
Note: Building and Floors will be required. When this is done, you have the option to use a custom drawing name we created for you. If you want to use this click "Apply to Drawing Name"
12. Click Finish.
Note: You can search for a drawing by using the search option at the top of the Manage Drawings page.
The drawing is now available to view and annotate.
Edit a Drawing
1. Select Drawings from the left-side navigation menu
2. Select a Drawing.
3. Click Edit.
4. Edit the information as needed.
5. Click Finish.
Note: You can edit the thumbnail as well by clicking on the Drawing Thumbnail tab.
Other Options
Annotate: This can be used to Annotate a drawing.
Drawing Assets: This can be used to view assets associated with a drawing.
Delete: Can be used to Delete a drawing.
Archived Versions: View previous versions of this drawing.
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