The Asset Types page will allow users to view all Asset Types in the system. These are predetermined and cannot be edited or removed. However, admins can edit the fields that display for these Asset Types. All asset types have associations to Uniformat and Master Format standards.
Note: This page can be filtered by selecting the Column Headers
Edit Tooltip Fields
1. Select an Asset Type Icon.
2. Select the Tooltip Fields Tab.
3. Use the first column to bring over fields (only three can be selected at a time)
Note: that the Left arrow can bring over fields from the right column. Once that is done, you can select an item in the left column and use the right arrow to bring it back over.
The Arrows pointing up and down are used to sort the selected fields for the tooltip.
4. Click the X icon at the top right of the modal when the actions are completed. These changes will automatically be saved.
When clicking on an asset stamp that uses the corresponding asset type, the tooltip fields will display.
Note: Any updates to an asset type will affect all assets using that asset type. These adjustments are for display only, these adjustments will not affect any existing data in the EFR standard Fields
Edit Modal Fields
1. Select an Asset Type Icon.
2. Select the Modal Fields Tab.
3. Use the first column to bring over fields.
Note: selecting a field in either column and using the left/right arrows will move the field to that respective column
The Arrows pointing up and down are used to sort the selected fields for the modal fields. Fields that are grayed out are not optional to remove from the asset for record purposes.
4. Click the X icon at the top right of the modal when the actions are completed. These changes will automatically be saved.
The modal fields will display when clicking on an asset on the annotation page and clicking edit. Or when clicking into the asset details on the asset page.
Note: Any updates to an asset type will affect all assets using that asset type. These adjustments are for display only, these adjustments will not affect any existing data in the EFR standard Fields
If you would like to learn more about the EFR standard please click HERE.
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