The annotation page has multiple functions. In this article, all of the tools will be reviewed individually to help users complete a drawing.
There are two modes when a drawing is displayed. Viewing and Editing, and each come with their own tools. However, the viewing tools will be displayed in the Edit mode as well.
Viewing Tools
The viewing tools will display at the top of the page.
Zoom : () This can be used to adjust the zoom when viewing a drawing.
Pan : () Selecting this icon will allow you to click on a drawing and move it for viewing purposes.
Select : () Select this icon will allow you to click and drag a selected area on the drawing to highlight multiple asset stamps or manual edits.
Filter : () The filter option will allow you to filter the drawing via System, Subsystems, and Asset Types. Once they have been selected, the filtered Asset Stamps will display.
Note: These Fields are dependent on each other. Once a system has been selected, and you select the subsystem field, only the subsystems associated with the system selected will display. The same method goes for asset types.
The top level filters show systems/sub-systems/asset types based on what stamps are placed on the drawing
keep Annotation Markups: Checking this off will keep the annotations that were drawn on the drawing while applying a filter on the drawing. For example checking this and filtering to "Mechanical" System asset stamps only will display both mechanical stamps on all drawn annotations on the drawing.
Only Annotation Markups: Checking this off will only display the annotations that were drawn on the drawing
Assets With Open Work Orders: Checking this off will only display Asset Stamps that currently have open work orders in ML Work Orders.
In addition to this, when checking off "Apply to all Drawings" these filters will automatically be in place when switching between drawings.
Search : () Using the search option at the top of the page will allow you to search for specific Asset Stamps. The search will look for asset names and asset descriptions.
Text Search : ()This search will specifically search for text on a drawing if there is any searchable text.
Comments : () This allows users to view comments that have been left on the drawing.
Settings : () This will provide additional options when viewing the drawing. The options are displayed below.
Note: The Download option will print a PDF file of the Drawing. If any filters are being used, the download option will respect those filters when downloading the PDF.
Editing Tools
The Editing Tools will display when the Edit tab has been selected on the annotation page.
Define Space: (): Selecting this icon will allow you to draw lines around any area on the drawing to identify a space and link that area to a space record in MLD. Note: You can only link a space area to an existing space record in MLD.
- Select Define Space icon.
Select the drawing to start outlining the area to link to an existing space record in MLD.
- You can create corners of the area with each left mouse click on the drawing, see below image as an example to outline a space on a floor plan and make it link to an MLD space record.
Once you complete the area, a window will display for you to select which existing MLD space record should be linked to this area.
- Once the space link is established, anytime you place a new asset stamp on this area, the space field on the asset form will prepopulate to the linked space associated to the area.
Free Text : () Selecting this icon will allow you to click and drag to create a textbox on the drawing.
Free Hand : () Selecting this icon allows you to freehand draw/write on a drawing.
Shaping Tools : ( ) Selecting each shape will allow you to apply that shape to the drawing.
Callout Tool : ( ) Allows to click two points to create a line, and once the line has been added, a comment can be attached to the line.
Adding a Comment : ( ) Using this tool allows you to click a specific area on a drawing and add a comment. The comments can be viewed using the Comments Tool mentioned previously as well.
Undo : () This tool will allow you to undo the last change you made to the drawing.
Redo : () Once an action has been undone, you can use the Redo action to reapply what was undone.
Erase : () Using this tool will allow you to erase anything on the drawing that has been manually added. This includes asset stamps, comments, shapes, etc.
Actions Button:
Back to Homepage: This will direct you back to the homepage of ML Drawings.
Add Space: This allows you to add a space to a drawing while surveying.
Auto Place Assets: If an asset is placed on the drawing and is NOT placed within its properly defined space polygon (Click HERE to learn more about defining spaces), this action will auto-place already placed asset stamps into their proper space polygons.
Mass Update Assets: This allows you to update up field information for assets in bulk.
- you can start by using the "Select" tool ( ) located in the top left of the drawing and drag a selected area of the assets you would like to Mass Update. Alternatively, you can use CTRL+Click on your keyboard to select specific asset stamps you'd like to mass update
Select "Mass Update" Option in the actions button menu
Select the checkboxes next to the fields you would like to Mass update for the selected Assets.
Note: Only Common Standard Fields Will Display Amongst All Asset Types.
Update the corresponding fields that have been selected.
Note: When Images and Files are checked. Multiple items can be uploaded at once.
Click Next.
Note: You will receive a confirmation of the Fields that are going to be mass updated.
Select Go!
You will then receive a notification that you agree to mass update the following Assets.
- Click OK
- Next, the Mass Update status will change to Success when it has been completed.
Create PM: This will allow you to create a PM (Preventative Maintenance) with one or many asset stamps.
- you can start by using the "Select" tool ( ) located in the top left of the drawing and drag a selected area of the assets you would like to include in the PM creation. Alternatively, you can use CTRL+Click on your keyboard to select specific asset stamps you'd like to include in this PM
Select "Create PM" Option in the actions button menu
You will see information prepopulates on the PM to give you a head start on the PM creation process.
- NOTE: The Management of each PM can be done from ML Work Orders.
Create WO: This will allow you to create a WO (Work Order) with one or many asset stamps.
- you can start by using the "Select" tool ( ) located in the top left of the drawing and drag a selected area of the assets you would like to include in the WO creation. Alternatively, you can use CTRL+Click on your keyboard to select specific asset stamps you'd like to include in this WO
Select "Create WO" Option in the actions button menu
You will see information prepopulates on the WO to give you a head start on the WO creation process
- NOTE: The Management of each WO can be done from ML Work Orders.
Change Stamp Viewer: This action will allow you to switch between Asset Stamps, Space Stamps, and Issue Stamps. Please click HERE to learn more about Space Stamps.
Send Drawings to Binder: This will take the drawing file and send it to your ML Binders system.
Archive Drawing: This action will archive your drawings to viewed at a later time in a view-only option.
Please click HERE to learn more.
Generating a QR Code
1. Select the "Select" tool ()
2. Click and Drag a selected area of the assets you would like to QR code.
You will notice the stamps will all become selected.
Note: You can also CTRL+Click specific Asset Stamps to select one more Asset Stamps to QR code.
3. Click the Actions Button next to the search bar
4. Click Generate QR Codes
A new tab will pop up with the QR Codes generated.
Note: Pop-ups may need to be enabled/allowed depending on your browser.
Additional Filtering options : ()
Assets Stamps:
System: Selecting a specific system will narrow down your existing assets.
Subsystem: This is dependent on the first field, "System" once that is selected, the corresponding subsystems will be displayed.
Asset Type: Select this filter by Asset Types.
System Zone: Selecting a system zone will allow you to filter for assets in a specific system zone
Space Name: Selecting a Space will allow you to filter for assets in a specific facility/room.
Apply to all Drawings: Checking this off will take these filters and apply them to all of your drawings when viewing them.
Space Stamps:
System Zone: Selecting a system zone will allow you to filter for assets in a specific system zone
Space Name: Selecting a Space will allow you to filter for assets in a specific facility/room.
Apply to all Drawings: Checking this off will take these filters and apply them to all of your drawings when viewing them.
Drawing Summary.
When viewing the drawing there is a tooltip icon that provides a summary of the drawing.
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